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El mejor método de depilación definitiva

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Vídeo sobre el equipo de depilación láser definitivo, Soprano XL.

Everyone and Lucy on welcome to flare. Com a place where we bring you the latest and greatest and Beauty and Fashion are you tired of plucking pulling of boxing to keep your skin nice and smooth then you're in for a treat because today I'm bringing YouTube Allure Beauty Bar where the new breakthrough procedure will keep those unwanted hair is a way it's been three let's go take a look Jeremy Harris Nancy the technician on the expert on soprano XL laser removal and her beautiful model Michelle thank you for joining me guys today so Nancy tell us how does soprano XL laser removal differ from their traditional laser systems that we're used to Willits pain-free it's more effective and you need for your treatment for the traditional laser removal how many sessions does it take to completely get rid of all the hair between 15 to 20 treatment with this machine you're as little as Fortune for treatments while so it really bad save you quite a bit of money but still am I so hate to bother the temperature to skim down as well what's going to happen if the hair underneath the skin will come out till 7 to 14 days after your treatment you're going to see the dress coming out nose hairs at the vaccine shed in the Body Snatchers full English to pulling nose hair and then if you take a tub to them to just fly right off or in the shower when you're washing you just kind of fall out and then going to notice a lot of false false when the next cycle comes in percent difference in a hair that's come back did you use to wax before pain ever again not having to worry constantly suck smooth and soft all the time one less thing to worry about fresh I wanted to say thank you so much for joining us here today and let us experience but despite the fact of a stain free and it works on dark skin tone deaf person hair removal system that's it for the day like we said it's the latest and greatest in fashion and beauty of only serum I'm listen to the banker thanks for watching and see you next time